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01. Higher Education School Fees

As a parent you instinctively want the best for your children.  Fortunately, your international status combined with a little forward thinking, presents the perfect opportunity for you to create a platform from which they can soar as high as possible, with no boundaries on what their potential can achieve.

You probably realised their university education will set you back a hefty amount, but have you considered the expense of sending them to an international school right from primary age up to University?


Their future is in your hands, which is why it is so important to plan ahead. From their first steps, to the time they are financially independent, you will never stop wanting the best for them. And you will need to plan for every step of their education and beyond.


And of course later in life when you pass away, having peace of mind that your nearest and dearest will be financially secure and your estate is passed on as smoothly as possible is invaluable.

The Cost Of Delay
At the moment it's not how much, but when. The cost of delaying by even a couple of years can considerably increase how much you need to save each month in the future. We can work out target funds, likely returns and cash flow forecasts with you.

You probably realised their university education will set you back a hefty amount, but have you considered the expense of sending them to an international school right from primary age up to University?


Their future is in your hands, which is why it is so important to plan ahead. From their first steps, to the time they are financially independent, you will never stop wanting the best for them. And you will need to plan for every step of their education and beyond.


And of course later in life when you pass away, having peace of mind that your nearest and dearest will be financially secure and your estate is passed on as smoothly as possible is invaluable.

Dubai City View

 The Best Of  The Best

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With over 25 years of experience in the finance industry, I have helped countless clients secure their financial future. My expertise in investments, tax planning, and retirement strategies allows me to provide exceptional service to all my clients. My goal is to provide each client with peace of mind knowing that they have a plan in place, and their future is in good hands.

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