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04. Wills

The Importance Of Having A Will.
We’ve all heard the saying “you can’t take it with you when you go.” And although this may be true, it’s important to understand your assets and liabilities so the ones you leave behind can enjoy them without any hassle.

Drafting up a will is an essential part of any financial plan, but even more essential if you’re an expat or you have assets in more than one jurisdiction. It’s important to make sure you have a will drafted up that will cover these different bases and here’s why.


You may have a will which was written in your home country, but it may not necessarily be valid in your current country of residence. In countries where Sharia Law is applied, the absence of a will may mean your wealth is passed on in line with Sharia Law rather than your personal wishes.

What Would This Mean to Those You Leave Behind?

This could result in a long and lengthy period of time where your loved ones are left without access to your wealth, and in some instances bank accounts can be frozen for months. All of this can be prevented by making sure you have a will set up in the right jurisdictions and Mark can help you do just that.

Dubai City View

 The Best Of  The Best

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With over 25 years of experience in the finance industry, I have helped countless clients secure their financial future. My expertise in investments, tax planning, and retirement strategies allows me to provide exceptional service to all my clients. My goal is to provide each client with peace of mind knowing that they have a plan in place, and their future is in good hands.

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